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Food Tourism Concept

The term “street food”, has become one of the major attractions in any travel company’s brochure; residing as number one in their list of top attractions in any city around the world.

So, culinary tours cannot be ignored. This culture of street food dating back to ancient Greece and later to the Roman empire, has now become institutionalized; as each country that is interested in attracting tourists and developing its tourist industry, is investing large amounts of money to expand the required facilities in its main streets, and provide for the variety of foods in its major cities.

The question is: What is so attractive in street food, and in what way is it different from food served in restaurants?

First, the term itself implies spending less money on eating outside as a tourist. Secondly, you can choose to eat small meals at different stands within a short time, instead of getting “stuck” for a long time in one restaurant ending up filling your stomach and emptying your purse. And third, the ability to feel free as you constantly walk around and see the variety of food that is offered.

Of course, food tours are not restricted to visiting various food outlets, but it also involves meeting locals and visiting them as guests, and feeling and tasting the authentic food. It is also advisable to take adventure tours where you will come across remote villages in the countryside, that will ensure the enrichment of your food experience.

So, wherever you go, do not overlook the enjoyment of the endless variety you will encounter in the free eating tourist attractions.

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